Jump Academy

Recent Changes


Preview Map Name Author(s) S-Tier   D-Tier   Bot WP  
4dakids nom   879m   (+15) 5 3 (42)
4dakids nom   879m   (+15) 5 3 (42)
4holers kattoc -rng   6 4
4holers_final kattoc -rng   6 4
4soldier Superchuck   3 2 (30)
4starters Blind Girl   4 3 (245)
4starters Blind Girl   4 3 (130)
4starters Blind Girl   4 3
7skill N/A
abandon Hellbent   4 3 (30)
ablation Pants   4 5 (36)
ablation Pants   4 5
above Sitood   3 2 (70)
abuq QuBA   5 4 (58)
abyss Oatmeal   4 3 (22)
abyss Oatmeal   4 3
academy Chris!!   2 (132)
academy Chris!!   2 (66)
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+10) 4 4 (527)
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+10) 4 4
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+11) 4 4
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+11) 4 4
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+11) 4 4
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+11) 4 4 (568)
academy2 scotch   dipp   (+11) 4 4
academy_classic Chris!!   2 (66)
academy_classic Chris!!   2 (70)
academy_classic Chris!!   2 2 (184)
academy_easy Chris!!   2 2 (126)
academy_easy Chris!!   2 (66)
academy_easy Chris!!   2 (66)
academy_easy_halloween15 Chris!!   2 2
academy_medium Chris!!   3
acepogo X1acecombat   4 3 (22)
adventure Steve-nC-   3 2 (140)
adventure Steve-nC-   3 2 (80)
ahh Elandi!!   2 2 (13)
ahrabaid MrHappyCamper   Maia   6 4 (14)
aigis Kendrick   6 5 (56)
airships Sitood   3 2 (136)
alle N/A 1 1
allstars Allstars 10   X_DIAS   3 2 (32)
allstars X_DIAS   Allstars 10   4 3
andromeda N/A 6 3
anime EXC0   Pluto   (+1) 5 4 (37)
annex Drexen   4 3 (64)
annex Drexen   4 3 (72)
ante dipp   5 3 (86)
ante Sausage   5 3
aperture Sausage   3 2 (60)
aperture Sausage   3 2
apex Obsidiian   5 4 (82)
apparition xlxvs   5
apparition xlxvs   5 4 (42)
aqua 200   3 2 (49)
aqua 200   3 2 (13)
arcane wickEd_   3 2
arctic butch   3 2 (51)
areae MrHappyCamper   5 4 (42)
aridia Drexen   4 2 (32)
aris Sere   3 2 (36)
ariser Sere   3 2 (22)
armaldo N/A 3 2 (60)
ascent dipp   3 3 (24)
ascent dipp   4 3 (22)
asshole Exile   3 2 (26)
ataronchronon Hellbent   4 3
attached Dr.Gains   6 4
attached Dr.Gains   6 4
attached Dr.Gains   6 4
attached2 Dr.Gains   6 4 (14)
attached2 Dr.Gains   6 4
attached3 Dr.Gains   6
auga dipp   3 2 (22)
auga dipp   4 1
aura Ltfx   3 2 (20)
aura Ltfx   3 2 (40)
autumn False_   2 3 (33)
autumn False_   2 3
autumn False_   2 3
avalanche IzzyHoP -tt   3 2
avalanche IzzyHoP -tt   3 2 (26)
aviator bshear   RING   5 4 (30)
ayers Raiin   3 2 (32)
ayers2 Raiin   4 3 (54)
azure Torii   5 4 (76)
babylon Malecus   3 1 (51)
back Klowwd   4 3
ballin Will   2 1
ballin Will   2 1 (24)
banane Plopy   5 4 (18)
bangarang Seras   6 3
BAQu QuBA   6 6 (183)
bb_initiate Dr.Gains   2
bb_initiate Dr.Gains   2 (100)
bb_initiate Dr.Gains  
bb_knightmare Dr.Gains   4 (10)
bb_knightmare Dr.Gains   4
bear HOI   5 3
bear HOI   5 3 (245)
beef Bevo   2 2 (94)
beefmas Rob123   2 2 (65)
beefoween Consition   2 2
beefster mazlli   Exile   2 2
benny bshear   3 3 (42)
benroads Benroads   3 4 (44)
benroads2 Benroads   4 3 (48)
benroads3 Benroads   4 3 (48)
beyond Sitood   2 1 (64)
bigbutt bshear   2 1 (66)
biome Superchuck   4 3 (80)
blables De Boterham   6 5 (24)
blackout berry   3 2 (30)
blossom siL   2 2 (20)
blossom siL   2 2
blubber dipp   6 3 (10)
blueberry Oatmeal   3 2 (95)
bojack N/A 3 2 (96)
bolean Seere   4 3 (16)
bomb Bombs   3 4 (74)
bongwater vanta   3
bongwater vanta   3 2 (30)
bongwater vanta   3 2
boogiewoogie N/A 4 3
boredfox Sere   2 1 (13)
boredfox2 Sere   2 2
boredgorge Sere   3 2 (30)
bounce bshear   4 2 (20)
bouncehop Sausage   Xtra   4 3 (32)
bouncelicious mazlli   5 4
bouncerific RNC1839   5 3
bouncerific RNC1839   5 3
broccoli Exile   4 3
bromelia donuttt   Shunix   4 3 (45)
bromelia donuttt   Shunix   4 3
buh Grandma    3 3 (30)
buh N/A 3
bunker Mac McNumpkin   3 3 (24)
butter De Boterham   3 3 (63)
buttered De Boterham   4 3 (26)
buttons BoogieManTF2   3
caelum_v2 MrHappyCamper  
camp N/A 4
camp 200   Consition   (+12) 4 3 (40)
canyon Pants   Superchuck   3 2 (64)
catch N/A 3 2 (56)
cetalu shakez   5 3 (46)
chambers N/A 3 3 (54)
chasm donuttt   dipp   4 4 (26)
cheval Wolny   3 3 (111)
chocological mazlli   5 3 (53)
christmas 879m   berry   (+13) 3 3 (84)
christmas 879m   berry   (+13) 3 3
claustro Plopy   4 3 (18)
claustro Plopy   5 4 (37)
codegreen mikers   3 3 (79)
collab Bob+M|M+   CrancK   (+10) 5 3 (75)
colour_jumper_rocket Drexen  
competitive D4rk   2 2 (56)
concrete tyjle   3 1 (80)
confiote Finn   4 2
cool Gebobus   4 3 (26)
core Pants   4 3 (80)
corona N/A 5 3
craze False_   2 2 (38)
crunch tooplis   3 2 (37)
crunch tooplis   3 2
crunch_v2 tooplis   3 2 (30)
cube Zeq   4 4 (147)
cube Zeq   4 4
cubic Hajnal   3 3 (42)
cyskic Finn   6 3 (40)
dad bshear   3 2 (36)
dahl Tx_   4 3 (66)
dahl Tx_   4 3 (44)
dahlia mazlli   3 2
damer dipp   4 2
damer_final dipp   4 3 (30)
ddpls dd   5 3 (89)
deep N/A 4 3
depleted Sere   4 4 (30)
descent dipp   3 2 (45)
deserted Rob123   4 3 (126)
desolate maxxy   4 3
despair spoc13   3 (26)
destination Sitood   4 3 (60)
destination Sitood   4 3 (47)
detached Dr.Gains   6 3
diabarha MrHappyCamper   6 5
diamant Katzen   tev   6
diamant Katzen   tev   6 (24)
diamant Katzen   tev   6 4 (12)
dicks Nooge   skyy   (+1) 3 1 (48)
dicks Elandi!!   3 1
dink HBC   5 4 (4)
doodle Newjuls   5 3
doom ronv45   2 1 (26)
duey Bematt   4 3 (34)
dystopia Jasska   4 3 (46)
easy_jump N/A 1 1
echelon Umaroth-24   3 2 (36)
echelon Umaroth-24   3 2 (54)
echelon Umaroth-24   5 3 (36)
echo Plopy   5 4 (40)
edgebug Eleven   6 4 (22)
einfache Chewy   2 2 (24)
elephant Oatmeal   2 2 (60)
elite False_   5 5 (98)
elysium Drexen   4 5 (28)
ember maxxy   5 4
empusa Pinki   5 3
eons Obsidiian   2 2 (32)
eons Obsidiian   3 3 (80)
escape shakez   5 3 (36)
everest Ancient Grandpa   4 3 (57)
Evolved Zyphon   6 5 (32)
Evolved Zyphon   6 5 (28)
excavation Steve-nC-   2 2 (19)
exile Exile   2 2 (86)
exile2 Exile  
ExileNPals Afterglow   bshear   (+4) 5 5 (2)
ezekiel Kendrick   5 3 (22)
ezekiel Kendrick   5 3 (22)
ezpz Dystopia   3 3 (50)
facility Raiin   4 3 (24)
factory ronv45   4 3
fantasea KYOMI-MAS   3
fantasticalwood spoc13   RueLee   3 1
fantasticalwood spoc13   RueLee   3 1
fastnfar pillow   4 6 (42)
fauvism Tusic76   6 3 (47)
fayte faye   3 2
festivus Superchuck   4 3 (22)
fifth Mac McNumpkin   4 3
fifth Mac McNumpkin   4 3 (52)
finite Torii   5 3 (56)
finite Torii   5 3 (30)
fizzydrink Shunix   3 3 (26)
fizzydrink Shunix   3 3 (26)
flashblack Superchuck   3 1 (27)
flow Shunix   5 3 (34)
flukhtiz_v2 tyjle   3 1
forest RueLee   2 1 (37)
forgotten maxxy   5 3 (15)
forgotten maxxy   5 3
foundation Ancient Grandpa   5 4 (32)
fox FastFox   3 1 (19)
freezeflame Superchuck   1 1
freezeflame_easy Superchuck   1 1 (60)
friday Luc  
frost Superchuck   6
frost Superchuck   5 6
frost_redo Superchuck   5 3
froyo dipp   donuttt   (+8) 4 3
gateway Torii   6 4 (53)
gateway Torii   6 4 (75)
gaylord Ze Ubermensch   6 4
gaylord Ze Ubermensch   6 4 (28)
gaylord2 Ze Ubermensch   6 4 (22)
geronimo Chief   6 4 (7)
glow Afterglow   4 4 (55)
gr8_wite Exile   4 3 (34)
grotto False_   3 2
hajnal Hajnal   3 3 (66)
half LiuKz   4 2 (46)
heaven X_DIAS   X_DIAS   4 4 (66)
heavy Dr. Whooo   3 3 (112)
hello It's a dessert!   2 1 (20)
hexahedron RNC1839   3 2 (57)
hexahedron RNC1839   3 2 (22)
hoi HOI   4 3
hoi HOI   4 3 (77)
home Sitood   3 2 (168)
hopstep A10   4 2 (2)
hotcoffee Mouse*   3 3 (28)
housebeta Who.j2   3 3 (14)
ideation hex   2 1
impact Drexen   2 2 (62)
ionizer N/A 6 4
iser Sere   4 2
iT Dr.Gains   Drexen   (+12) 5 4 (66)
jakey Jakey   3 2 (45)
jelly Rock  
joa Karabengles   3 2 (40)
jormp N/A 6 (18)
jump N/A
jump_beefier JamesSetRadio  
jump_cow HOI   2 2
jump_moo HOI   2 1
jump_naught RainForce   6 6
jump_stleganickling Gorge004   5 3 (10)
jump_tower N/A
junk_solly N/A 3 3 (130)
jurf John   3 3 (75)
jurf2 John   4 3 (45)
jurf2 John   4 3 (18)
kael Finn   6 4
karlson RueLee   1 1
keep tyjle   4 2
kek shakez   2 2 (30)
kek shakez   2 2
kek2 shakez   3 3
kestrel gourmet salad   5
kilo Timmy Tissue   4 3 (36)
kin Benroads   4 3 (20)
kin Benroads   4 5 (40)
kinetics Sere   3 3 (100)
kinetics Sere   3 3
klanana Raiin   4 4 (53)
knight 879m   4 3 (26)
knight 879m   4 3 (39)
koro Sere   6 4 (39)
kpop John   4 3 (42)
krakatoa Oatmeal   Splash4Damage   4 2 (24)
kuna Lopez   4 3 (33)
kusok Splash4Damage   3 4 (52)
kusok Splash4Damage   5 4 (70)
lafing N/A 5 4
lathy Sitood   4 4 (64)
legion Afterglow   5 4 (72)
leicht Superchuck   2 (18)
limp genn   4
linear uNKnown   2 2 (30)
lion Shunix   6 4 (66)
lion Shunix   6 4 (63)
lite N/A 3 2 (66)
littleman der kle1ne jungE   Drexen   5 4 (105)
littleman der kle1ne jungE   Drexen   5 4 (54)
lokfeyn grass > ass   3
lolparty Shunix   4 3 (34)
lombardi N/A 3 2 (30)
lotus Malecus   3 (24)
lotus N/A 3 3
majoras Hadokk   5 4 (40)
manifestation xlxvs   6 3 (9)
manitou Malecus   5 1 (24)
marigold mazlli   3 2 (45)
mario Steve-nC-   3 3 (156)
maso fishy   Hellbent   (+1) 5 4
mazzo N/A 3 2 (30)
mhx N/A 3 (90)
minecraftia E-S   5 0 (182)
minecraftia E-S   5 0
minecraftia E-S   5 0 (186)
minecraftia E-S   5 (281)
minecraftia_a2 E-S   5 3
mirage Malecus   4 2 (50)
mirrorsedge Hajnal   4 3 (16)
momentum Timmy Tissue   4 4 (38)
mourn Katzen   (16)
mouser Mouse*   4 3 (38)
mowi False_   Lopez   (+1) 3 2 (63)
munchkin N/A 3
murus MrHappyCamper   6 5
natural Bevo   4 4 (30)
nebuchadnezzar scotch   toss   5 2 (18)
nebuchadnezzar scotch   toss   5 2 (51)
nefarious sgt Bytheway   6 4 (13)
negative Kendrick   Tusic76   4 4 (50)
nepal Sere   2 1 (32)
nevar N/A 4 (30)
nevar N/A 4 2
nights nom   4 4 (46)
nights nom   4 4 (44)
nights nom   4 4
nincompoop floaty   6 3 (21)
nine N/A 4 4
ninjacookie Ninja Cookie [Scarlett]   4 3 (38)
nmotion Sere   4 2 (39)
NMotion2 Sere   4 3 (68)
noire Kendrick   3 (22)
normalman cool man   DOGEMAN   4
noskillrequired Dane   4 3 (122)
nuclear sgt Bytheway   6 4
nutto donuttt   3 2 (24)
nuttwo donuttt   3 2
nysel N/A 4 3
oats Oatmeal   3 3 (96)
obelisk Pants   4 3 (60)
observatory Snowblind2   5 5
observatory N/A 5 3
oddie Elandi!!   5 3 (9)
ofthehats 200   False_   (+7) 4 4 (30)
ofthehats 200   False_   (+10) 4 4 (44)
omega Sitood   5 3 (14)
omega Superchuck   5 (22)
omega2 Superchuck   4 4
omega3_jam Superchuck   4 3 (20)
omega_redo N/A
onion Mouse*   3 4 (6)
onit Lopez   4 3 (90)
onit Lopez   4 3
ontra DeOntwerper   4 3 (46)
orange Drexen   2 1 (28)
orbital Hajnal   2 1 (56)
orestes N/A 5
orestes Shunix   5 4 (57)
oretachi Kendrick   3 3 (34)
outmywindow planck   3 3 (39)
owakare toss   6 3 (90)
ozone shogi   3 3
pagoda Jasska   3 2 (26)
panama Miagui   3 2 (36)
panama Miagui   3 2 (38)
panama Miagui   3 2 (36)
panama Miagui   3 2 (57)
pandemonium Shunix   6 3
pandemonium Shunix   6 4 (20)
pandemonium Shunix   5 (40)
pandemonium Shunix   5 4
pants Pants   5 4
passion Snowblind2   5 4
pastel N/A 2 2
pdidey bshear   Drexen   4 4
pharaoh Shunix   5 4 (34)
phase Pants   4 5
phase Pants   4 5
phobos RNC1839   3 3 (22)
phobos RNC1839   3 3 (24)
phobos RNC1839   3 3 (12)
phobos RNC1839   3 3 (36)
pickles RBT   6 3
pillow N/A 2 (22)
plaza False_   2 2 (45)
plunder BoogieManTF2   3 (24)
pmuj shakez   4 3 (26)
polar Hellbent   4 2 (40)
poob KYOMI-MAS   3 (20)
porridge Oatmeal   2 2 (27)
pow Elandi!!   5 3 (38)
power Waldo   4 3
primal Zyphon   6
propel_fixed w33dskiLL   3 3 (62)
proto John   3 2 (36)
pump mikers   3 2 (86)
pump mikers   3 2 (88)
purecio Purecio   2 2 (22)
quake ManBearPig   4 3 (24)
quattro 879m   3 2 (62)
quattro 879m   3 2 (127)
QuBA QuBA   4 4 (136)
quick Dr.Gains   Sere   (+1) 3 3 (44)
rabbit N/A 6 4 (40)
rainbow N/A 3 3 (60)
rapture Sausage   4 3 (30)
raven N/A 3 3 (47)
ravioliix Reyviix   4
rayner @myco XD   4 3 (44)
rebound Matti   5 3 (22)
rebus Gebobus   Shunix   6 4 (30)
rebus Gebobus   Shunix   6 4 (90)
recall Plopy   5 3 (20)
redplanet Mouse*   4 3 (18)
relicta mazlli   2 2
relicta mazlli   2 2 (20)
renard FastFox   3 2 (132)
repente Finn   6 3
repente2 Finn   6 3
requiem Sere   3 2 (26)
reverentia Finn   4 3
rex Seras   5 3 (19)
rickoconnell RBT   879m   6 4 (2)
ritsuko Kendrick  
rj_rckteer Cownaetion   2 2
rj_rckteer_adv Cownaetion   2 3
rj_training Cownaetion   3 2 (54)
rnc RNC1839   4 3 (64)
rnc RNC1839   4 3
rook Vend   3 3 (38)
rope BQE   Lopez   4 3 (70)
ruelee RueLee   4 3 (33)
ruelee RueLee   4 3 (3)
rush Bob+M|M+   1 1 (38)
rush_h Pants   5 4 (32)
rush_h Pants   5 4
sampi Suprema Jero ϡ   5 (20)
sampi Suprema Jero ϡ   5 4
sampi Suprema Jero ϡ   5 4
sanctuary N/A 6 4 (31)
sauciix Reyviix   3 2 (31)
SDM wickEd_   4 4 (40)
sdm_final wickEd_   4 3
serenity 200   Sitood   2 1 (13)
serenity 200   Sitood   2 1 (39)
serpentine Serpentine   3 3 (48)
sexydev Drexen   3 2 (36)
sfw_final 200   4 4
shimano Kendrick   5 4
shimano Kendrick   5 4 (20)
shimano Kendrick   5 4 (40)
shoe Shunix   4 3 (30)
shunix Shunix   3 3 (48)
sick Sere   4 3
silly CrancK   5 3 (52)
silly CrancK   5 4
silly CrancK   5 4
simplified Niirvash   4 4 (44)
simply Niirvash   4 3 (38)
sinister_final TomSinister   6 4
sink dipp   5 3 (28)
sitood Sitood   3 3 (114)
sketchy2 Sitood   3 2 (104)
skip Aznbob   3 2 (13)
skro N/A 3
skull N/A (104)
skylight Stimpack   4 4 (22)
sleepy False_   3 2 (15)
sleepy False_   3 2 (30)
sleepy False_   3 2
smarticlee False_   2 1 (50)
smellmybum Seras   6 4
Snowshot Zyphon   5 5 (8)
Snowshot Zyphon   5 5 (16)
snowshot Zyphon   5 5
soar Matti   5 4 (75)
soar Matti   5 4
sobel Malecus   4 3 (20)
sohr Exile   4
sohr Exile   4 4
sohr Exile   4 4
soma Shunix   4 4
soma Oatmeal   Splash4Damage   (+1) 4 4 (22)
something Miagui   5 3 (50)
something Miagui   5 3 (25)
something Miagui   4 3 (64)
something_redo Miagui   4
soquete shogi   4 3
sor Exile   4 3 (22)
sorh Exile   4
sorh Exile   4 3
spaghetti Sitood   3 3 (52)
squared bshear   Ksquared   6 5
starve Hellbent   4 3 (24)
steel Ancient Grandpa   3 2 (40)
steinbruch Katzen   tev   6 4 (12)
stella Torii   5 3 (45)
stella Torii   5 3
straight 200   Tusic76   3 3 (36)
stretch Statyk   4 4 (61)
strikapult N/A 6 5
strike Pants   5 4 (40)
strike Pants   5 4 (15)
strike Pants   5 4
stripe Pardinensis   3 3 (48)
stripe Pardinensis   3 3
style LeXeR   4 4 (26)
sucada N/A 4 3
summer Mac McNumpkin   2 2 (78)
surfzzz Klowwd   3 2
sven N/A 5 3 (78)
sweetnawful Dr.Gains   4 2 (106)
sweetnawful Dr.Gains   4 2 (102)
sync QuBA   6 6 (89)
tawatyr Hellbent   4 2
taylor_swift Exile   4 3 (26)
tbshi KYOMI-MAS   3
teardrop Lopez   3 (41)
teardrop N/A
temple poot boy   6
temple poot boy   6 3 (47)
tf 879m   bshear   (+10) 5 4 (32)
tf2rj Lopez   3 3 (32)
tholos Jasska   3 3 (36)
tier N/A 10 6
tombrady bshear  
toot donuttt   4 2
torii Torii   5 4 (28)
town Emolga   3 0 (248)
toxic Tx_   3 3 (67)
tpn Mac McNumpkin   Tx_   4 4 (54)
tpn Mac McNumpkin   Tx_   4 4 (27)
training Cownaetion   3 2 (54)
tshirt KYOMI-MAS   3 1 (30)
turnip Afterglow   3 4 (20)
tutankhamun Hellbent   4 3
twist ManBearPig   3 2 (26)
twix Adestix   3 3 (54)
typh John   4 3 (20)
typh John   4 3 (24)
ultimatebuttfucker Exile   5 4
ultra Shunix   4 4 (30)
umon N/A 5 3
underground Stimpack   4 3 (22)
undergrowth RBT   3 2 (48)
underworld Sitood   3 3 (60)
underworld Sitood   3 3 (56)
underworld Sitood   3 3
uranium N/A
uranium 879m   6 6
urgent Raina   3 3 (30)
ursprung Katzen   tev   4 (32)
valley Mac McNumpkin   5 4 (53)
vampires N/A 6 4
vanilla Shunix   4 3 (92)
vape donuttt   3 2 (24)
vespertine Shunix   4 4
vex Balls   4 4 (72)
vidarydkling Gorge004   6 4
void Rob123   3 2 (59)
vulc Torii   6 4 (36)
wallclimb [nJ]zircochan   3 3 (2)
wallfox Sere   6 5 (15)
wallpog N/A 5
waltz Anathon   maxxy   3 3
walu N/A
watch Benroads  
waves Sausage   3 3 (51)
who Bematt   5 3 (22)
wolf Shunix   4 4 (32)
x X_DIAS   3 3
xhappy Gorge004   scotch   (+1) 6 5 (31)
xtra_swing Xtra_Festive   3 2 (28)
yggdrasil N/A 6 4 (30)
yona toss   5 3 (44)
yucca Zak   3 3 (42)
yump HOI   2 1
yump HOI   2 1
yump HOI   2 1 (64)
zawty Elandi!!   4 3
ziggurat Pants   5 4 (15)
ziggurat Pants   5 4 (34)
Zone Zyphon   6
zone Zyphon   6 (72)
zone Zyphon   6 (72)
zone Zyphon   6 (72)
zone Zyphon   6 3 (127)
zuza Sere   2 1
zyma Umaroth-24   Zyphon   5 (13)
zyma Umaroth-24   Zyphon   5 3


Preview Map Name Author(s) S-Tier   D-Tier   Bot WP  
4demo Tx_   4 3
4demo Tx_   4 3 (63)
5holers N/A 6 4
aando_b1 CrancK   6 4
aggregate Weas   CrancK   5 3
air RING   4 4 (26)
air RING   4 4
airshift Consition   3 2 (18)
amazon Obsidiian   4 2 (42)
antiquity scotch   2 5
anxiety Exile   3 6
anxiety Exile   3 6
armature N/A 5
around CrancK   5 3
artificial N/A 3 5
arugula Torii   5 5
arugula Torii   5 5 (4)
asdf Raiin   4 4 (14)
aten A10   4 5 (27)
attached3 Dr.Gains   6 3
aurora Torii   5 4 (14)
authn hex   3 3
aznbob Aznbob   4 2 (39)
bait hex   3 2 (10)
bane N/A 2 6
bob Bob+M|M+   3 2 (40)
booyah N/A 3 2 (19)
cake weeeeeÒ.ó   4 3 (20)
cake weeeeeÒ.ó   4 3
carp hex   3 3
carrot Torii   6 6 (22)
causatham hex   3 4
causatham hex   3 4
cavern Superchuck   4 4
cavern Superchuck   4 4 (18)
celeriix Reyviix   4 5
charge_pork N/A
classics Waldo   5 4
composite N/A 5 5
compound Superchuck   6 3 (56)
contact Timmy Tissue   5 4 (4)
crypt Electro   Sere   5 3 (13)
daeva myria   2 6
dan dante_   5 4
dang bshear   5 6 (51)
dang bshear   2 6
daylight John   5 4 (17)
deadcore Kendrick   4
demania Zyphon   3 4
demolition X_DIAS   6 3 (36)
demonstrationman shakez   Katzen   1 4
depression Exile   3 6
depression Exile   3 5
desa Sere   5 4 (17)
devils Raiin   4 4 (48)
diirtyxweezy Shunix   5 6 (42)
dreamier False_   1 5
dreamy False_   4 3 (74)
dreamy False_   4 3
drenched bshear   5 4 (30)
drenched2 bshear   6
drexen Drexen   5 4 (26)
drexen Drexen   4 3 (32)
drheinz Raina   4 4 (10)
drought bshear   6 (38)
duality False_   3 3
egyptian Scuba Steve.j2   5 2 (22)
embrace Afterglow   4 2 (42)
endurance [GNC] Matt   5 5
esri Sere   4 5 (10)
estrogen Exile   6
estrogen Exile   3 6
evac Consition   4 4
evac Consition   4 4
fart N/A 4 6
fart2 N/A
fisyx Drexen   4 4 (28)
flood Gorge004   bshear   3 3
flux scotch   4 4
flux scotch   4 4
foss Superchuck   5 6
frayb Fribe   4 4 (18)
free Pants   3 3 (30)
frogspit N/A 4 4
future Drexen   Owlruler   4 3
garbage Katzen   3 4 (29)
gervais bshear   3 5
glassydev wickEd_   3 5
glassydev wickEd_   3 5
grape Shunix   4 4
greenguy N/A 1 4
grimace Stimpack   5 3 (26)
halcyon Consition   Sitood   3 2 (48)
hana Hellbent   3 4
hangar_18 Scuba Steve.j2   5 4
happygonk Sere   6 6
hardware False_   4 6
haze N/A 1 2
heck scotch   2 6
hobo Bob+M|M+   2 3
hobo2 Bob+M|M+   4 3 (24)
homie Raina   6 5 (25)
horus Consition   5 6
horus_b5 N/A 5 6 (15)
how 879m   6 6
huh Pants   5 5 (29)
hydrogen 879m   5 3 (28)
hydrogen 879m   5 3 (14)
hydrogen_rc1 879m   5 3
ice Fenix-Ice   4 3 (8)
if Waldo   3 6
illusion Oatmeal   Superchuck   4 3 (11)
illusion Oatmeal   Sitood   4 3 (26)
impulse Consition   4 5
internal Sitood   Splash4Damage   4 3 (32)
internal Sitood   Splash4Damage   4 3 (32)
ipos myria   5 5 (1)
isak Brock   5 5 (15)
jabroni bob&sons   6
jasmine False_   3 6 (10)
jorgelayja Superchuck   4 4
jorgelayja Superchuck  
jumpspirit N/A
jump_kiddersmoney donuttt   3
jynkky Snowblind2   6 3
karb N/A 5 4 (14)
karelia Splash4Damage   3 3 (38)
karelia Splash4Damage   3 3 (34)
keratotomy RNC1839   4 3 (36)
khoa Bob+M|M+   4 3 (14)
koi Tkoi   5 4 (23)
kola N/A 2 4
kumo tooplis   Syro   2 4
lamia N/A 6
lanc Torii   5 4 (30)
lantern mazlli   4 3
lithium 879m   3 2 (48)
lithium 879m   3 2 (97)
lithium_fix2 879m   3 2
lobsterfight mazlli   3 4
lost Katzen   3 3 (40)
luminous scotch  
luminous scotch   4 4 (60)
m0nkey CrancK   5 6 (28)
m0rg m0rg   4
m0rg m0rg   5
mad Mohr   5 6
map Waldo   3
meora shakez   3 6
miner hex   3 3 (18)
mire False_   3 3
mireal Sere   1 6
mireal Sere   1 6 (10)
mireal2 Sere   6 6 (24)
mireal3 Sere   6 6 (24)
mohaxish Ссаная Рудга   4 5 (20)
mohr Mohr   5 6 (18)
moist newjuls   4 6 (36)
moist_v2 newjuls   4 6
moria N/A 3 3 (14)
moria dipp   3 3
muffin The Magic Muffon Burglar   4 4 (22)
mutegod N/A 4 5
naissancee Hellbent   5
nbn Nooboon   5 5 (2)
nbn_b4b_redo Nooboon   5 5
neptune Mohr   3 6 (17)
network Wolsk   4 4 (6)
noob Ktrx   4 3 (50)
noob N/A 4 3
noob2 Ktrx   4 4 (16)
nova Katzen   2 1
ofc Mohr   5 5 (15)
ofcourse_redo Mohr   4 5 (30)
oreotachi Exile   2
oreotachi Exile   4 4
oreotopolis Exile   2 5
ouryoku Syro   4 4
over bshear   RING   (+1) 5 6 (54)
p bshear   5 5 (30)
pathos RBT   4 5
pine Gebobus   3 3
pine Gebobus   4 3 (16)
power Waldo   4 3
prism Kendrick   4 3 (18)
prostate N/A 4 4
protactinium 879m   3 6
providence False_   3 4
psionic RBT   6 6 (16)
psycho xlxvs   6 6
psycho xlxvs   6 6
puni Rah Mie   4 3 (38)
pure weeeeeÒ.ó   5 4 (12)
quickers uNKnown   3 3 (30)
radiix Reyviix   3 4
raina Raina   5 4 (14)
rat hex   3 6
rehorus Consition   4 6 (10)
remember Afterglow   4 (28)
resi Sere   4 3 (16)
revenge Fenix-Ice   3 3 (10)
rewind Sere   3 2 (46)
rewind2 Sere   5 4 (51)
ring RING   4 3 (14)
ring RING   4 3
ring2 N/A 4 4 (2)
ring2 RING   4 4 (44)
ring2 RING   4 4
rutabaga osplo   3 6 (12)
rvr CrancK   4 6 (64)
samurai Sere   4 4 (2)
schadenfreude 879m   5 6
scorpion Scorpion   6 6 (20)
segment Chief   donuttt   (+14) 4
segment N/A 4 4
sharp Timmy Tissue   5 3 (46)
shelter Sitood   2 2 (39)
shiver bshear   Drexen   6 5 (29)
signal Consition   2 3
sira Sere   5 3 (22)
sira2 Sere   5 4
sketchy Sitood   3 3 (132)
software False_   1 5 (8)
sore Exile   4 4 (26)
spark Sitood   4 3 (32)
speed Aznbob   5 3 (12)
speed2 Steve-nC-   6 3 (60)
starkie N/A 2 6
start 879m   5 4
steak Raina   4 3 (125)
storm Mireal   5 6
stress Syro   4 4 (2)
super Superchuck   6 6
super Superchuck   6
supersereious Sere   Superchuck   4 3
swizzle Gorge004   hex   5 5
sylvan False_   3 5
synapse Mohr   4 5 (40)
tensor_a2 Consition   5 5 (15)
termywermy Afterglow   4 3 (44)
tesseract_fix Gorge004   X_DIAS   2 4
tesseract_fix X_DIAS   2 4
timtam osplo   1 6
tissue Timmy Tissue   3 3 (44)
titan Raina   5 4 (17)
treasure mazlli   Zike1017   2 4 (21)
triangle Hellbent   4 3
trimp N/A
triplepre dipp   3 4
tsao Bematt   6 4 (4)
twelve Tx_   4 4 (24)
tx Tx_   4 3 (50)
ugly Tx_   4 4 (4)
ugly Tx_   4 4
unclesam ChrisCrossed   4 3
up QuBA   4 4 (8)
vanished bob&sons   4 6
vendetta Vend   4 4 (62)
vertigo Raina   3 5 (11)
vertuosic N/A 5 6
virtuoso N/A 3 6
volcanic Drexen   5 4 (34)
volcanic MrHappyCamper   Bob+M|M+   (+1) 5 4 (34)
weekly Mohr   Sere   6 4 (16)
what Dr. Whooo   5 6 (4)
when 879m   6 6
why 879m   6 3
yes Waldo   3 4
ywumpy N/A 2 6
zekro Superchuck   5 6
zero Drexen   4 3 (28)
zero Drexen   4 4 (40)
zilent N/A 3 6
_ 879m   4 6


Preview Map Name Author(s)
15puzzle N/A
2fort N/A
2fort N/A
4friends Pants  
4soldier N/A
5gorge N/A
5gorge_ja Gentle Puppet  
5gorge_ja N/A
88 N/A
a N/A
a0 N/A
a0 N/A
a1 N/A
aando N/A
above N/A
academy2 N/A
academy2 N/A
academy2 N/A
academy2 N/A
academy2 N/A
academy2 N/A
academy2_hardsync N/A
academy_beta3 N/A
academy_bounce N/A
academy_classic N/A
academy_easysurf_a6 N/A
academy_easysyncs_beta6 N/A
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academy_medstrafe N/A
academy_winter N/A
achlys N/A
ackground01 N/A
across N/A
aigis N/A
alienvspredator Gorge004   bshear  
alinigt N/A
altitude N/A
altra N/A
and Waldo  
anxiety N/A
arctic N/A
arc_b1 N/A
arena N/A
Aris N/A
asshole N/A
asteroid N/A
attached N/A
attached N/A
attached N/A
attached N/A
attached2 N/A
aurora N/A
aurora N/A
autumn N/A
autumn_toth N/A
axolotl N/A
aznbob N/A
azure N/A
b00n N/A
badlands N/A
badlands N/A
badlands N/A
badwater N/A
badwater_ja Gentle Puppet  
badwater_ja N/A
badwater_ja N/A
badwater_ja N/A
badwater_ja N/A
ballin N/A
balls N/A
bananabay N/A
barnblitz N/A
basic N/A
basic_jump N/A
basic_jump N/A
basic_jump N/A
bb_city Dr.Gains  
bb_city N/A
bb_city N/A
bb_city N/A
benroads N/A
benroads2 N/A
benroads3 N/A
bigcity Bigwig  
bigrock N/A
blables N/A
blackout N/A
bliss N/A
bliss N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz N/A
blitz_a6 N/A
blitz_mannpower N/A
blitz_mannpower N/A
blitz_mannpower N/A
blitz_pro r0nii  
blitz_pro r0nii  
blitz_pro r0nii  
blitz_pro r0nii  
blitz_pro r0nii  
blitz_pro r0nii  
blitz_pro N/A
bloodwater N/A
blueberry N/A
bonus N/A
bounce2_b6 N/A
bouncerific N/A
box N/A
breadspace N/A
brickyard N/A
brickyard N/A
brocoliix N/A
buh N/A
buh N/A
buh N/A
bunker N/A
byhicrine N/A
cactuscanyon N/A
catch N/A
cave N/A
cellshaded N/A
chasm N/A
chovel N/A
chromatic N/A
circuit N/A
classic N/A
classic N/A
classic N/A
classic_tourney N/A
classic_tourney N/A
claustro N/A
coaltown N/A
compound N/A
concept N/A
cow N/A
ctap N/A
ctap N/A
ctf_ballin N/A
cube N/A
damer N/A
data Consition  
decoy N/A
degrootkeep N/A
demos N/A
desolate N/A
detr N/A
donut bshear   TomSinister  
doomsday N/A
doublecross N/A
downandsaysomethinggay N/A
dread N/A
drenched2 N/A
drought N/A
duality False_  
duck N/A
dustbowl N/A
egypt N/A
egypt N/A
eight 879m  
elysium N/A
ember N/A
emulation N/A
enclosure N/A
eruption N/A
escape N/A
eu_a2p N/A
evolution_beta N/A
evont N/A
evont N/A
excavation2 Steve-nC-  
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ez N/A
eze2 N/A
ezpz N/A
factory N/A
fanboy N/A
fantasea N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
fantasticalwood N/A
faraway N/A
fastlane N/A
fear N/A
fifthcurve N/A
finite N/A
finite N/A
five N/A
flow N/A
freezeflame_easy N/A
freight N/A
friends_a6 N/A
frontier N/A
fruh N/A
fuck2 N/A
fusion N/A
futuristic N/A
gateway N/A
geronimo N/A
getassisted N/A
ghost N/A
glow N/A
glue N/A
gman_beta N/A
gorge N/A
granary N/A
gravelpit N/A
Great_combining_of_2018_b12 N/A
groove4 N/A
gullywash N/A
hanami N/A
harvest N/A
harvest_event_ja N/A
harvest_ja Gentle Puppet  
harvest_ja N/A
harvest_ja N/A
harvest_ja N/A
harvest_ja N/A
hellfire N/A
hightower N/A
hightower N/A
hightower N/A
hightower N/A
hightower N/A
hightower N/A
hightower N/A
hightower_tdm SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
hightower_tdm Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
home N/A
hoodoo N/A
hugebutt N/A
hydro N/A
hydro N/A
illuminum N/A
impact N/A
infernum N/A
ingenii N/A
inhouse N/A
inimica N/A
ionizer Seere  
ionizer N/A
island N/A
it N/A
joke N/A
Jump_Elite N/A
jump_mohaxish_rc2 N/A
junction N/A
junk N/A
justroll hex  
keep N/A
keratotomy N/A
king N/A
koreyinthehouse N/A
ktrx N/A
kusok N/A
laevateinn N/A
lakeside N/A
lakeside N/A
lanc N/A
lanc N/A
landfall N/A
lathy N/A
lavapit N/A
lazuli N/A
leet N/A
legion N/A
leicht N/A
lick2 N/A
lion N/A
lion N/A
littleman N/A
lombardi N/A
lumberyard N/A
lump N/A
mannhattan N/A
mannworks N/A
manor N/A
maple_ridge N/A
measure N/A
measurerific N/A
metalworks N/A
mga N/A
mga2fixed N/A
mgafixed N/A
mga_academy N/A
mga_academy_sujjin Chris!!   Gentle Puppet  
mga_academy_sujjin N/A
mga_classic Chris!!  
mike N/A
minions N/A
mission N/A
mlg_bearun_b3 N/A
moonshine N/A
mossrock N/A
mountainlab N/A
munchkin N/A
naught N/A
nesmysl N/A
nightfall N/A
NMotion N/A
nob N/A
noh N/A
noname N/A
noskillrequired N/A
nucleus N/A
obsidian N/A
ofc N/A
offblast N/A
ohjeez Gorge004   bshear  
olympics N/A
omega_redo Superchuck  
oncmap N/A
oncmap2 N/A
oncmap3 N/A
onit N/A
onit N/A
onit N/A
orange_x N/A
oretachi N/A
overhead N/A
overhead2 p4tt   cadence   (+1)
pan N/A
pandemonium N/A
party N/A
peaceful N/A
phobos N/A
phobos_jam N/A
pinewood N/A
pipebomb N/A
pipeline N/A
pogopractice N/A
powerhouse N/A
primal Zyphon  
process N/A
process_ja Gentle Puppet  
process_ja N/A
propel_fixed N/A
proto001 N/A
proto002 N/A
pushittothelimit N/A
pyrokinesis N/A
pyrokinesis N/A
pyromaniac N/A
qodu Sere  
race N/A
races N/A
rainbowroad N/A
ramjam N/A
rckteer N/A
rckteer_adv N/A
repente2 N/A
retry_b1 N/A
revenant N/A
rope N/A
rosmerta N/A
rottenburg N/A
rottenburg N/A
sakuya N/A
salad N/A
salad N/A
sawmill N/A
sawmill N/A
sawmill_ja Gentle Puppet  
sawmill_ja N/A
sawmill_ja N/A
sawmill_ja N/A
sawmill_ja N/A
school N/A
serpentine N/A
seven N/A
sheer bshear  
sheer N/A
shimano N/A
sidewinder N/A
sidewinder N/A
sinister N/A
sinister N/A
six Waldo  
skillpea N/A
skyrail N/A
skyscraper mazlli  
slider N/A
slomo N/A
smash N/A
snakewater N/A
snakewater_ja Gentle Puppet  
snakewater_ja N/A
snakewater_ja N/A
snakewater_ja N/A
snakewater_ja N/A
snakewater_ja N/A
snowplow N/A
snowycoast N/A
something N/A
sonni N/A
spectre N/A
speed_b1 N/A
spooky N/A
spy101 CrancK  
spy101 Gorge004   CrancK  
standin N/A
start N/A
starwars Waldo  
steel N/A
stress N/A
stripe N/A
stripe N/A
sucks N/A
sudaca N/A
suijin N/A
summer N/A
sunshine N/A
sunshine_ja Gentle Puppet  
sunshine_ja N/A
sunshine_ja N/A
swall N/A
swiftwater N/A
synapse N/A
synth Aznbob  
tapdance N/A
tdm_helltower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_helltower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_helltower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower Gentle Puppet   SimplyJpk  
tdm_hightower N/A
tdm_hightower N/A
teardrop N/A
teardrop_a22 N/A
temtest N/A
tesseract N/A
testalla N/A
the N/A
the Waldo  
thorn N/A
timbertown N/A
tombrady N/A
tombrady N/A
topgun N/A
torii N/A
toxic N/A
training_v8 N/A
treasure N/A
trix N/A
turbine N/A
turnuround MrHappyCamper   valix  
typh N/A
unnamed N/A
upward N/A
upward_ja N/A
urgent N/A
valley N/A
valor N/A
vex N/A
vex N/A
viaduct N/A
walD N/A
walu N/A
watchtower N/A
watermelon hex  
waves N/A
weird N/A
well N/A
well N/A
wenzel1337 N/A
when_b2 N/A
woods N/A
yakisoba N/A
yump N/A
zero_v2 N/A
zetsubou RainForce  
ziggurat N/A
zirco N/A
zirco N/A
zonetestversion N/A
zyma N/A

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