Jump Academy

We are a growing community of 44,940 jumpers from all around the world who share the same passion for rocket jumping in Team Fortress 2.

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[Event] TFConnect Midsummer Mashup MGA Segment

By AI @ Jun 27 2021 - 02:53 PM

Our MGA segment is now live! Tune in and enjoy the show!

The Midsummer Mashup is a charity fundraising live-stream taking place through 26-27th June all in support of Stop AAPI Hate!

Donations are open:

Watch the stream:

[Event] TFConnect Midsummer Mashup

By VolKan @ Jun 12 2021 - 01:46 PM

We're happy to announce that we'll be hosting an MGA Segment during the TFConnect Midsummer Mashup Charity Stream.
Specific date and time for our segment is approximately June 27th (sunday) 4 PM EST, however we encourage you to watch and support the whole thing!

The Midsummer Mashup is a charity fundraising live-stream taking place through 26-27th June all in support of Stop AAPI Hate!
Oh, and donations are open RIGHT NOW![tiltify.com]

Check out their promo video for more details!

[Event] TFConnect Midsummer Mashup

By VolKan @ Jun 12 2021 - 01:46 PM

We're happy to announce that we'll be hosting an MGA Segment during the TFConnect Midsummer Mashup Charity Stream.
Specific date and time for our segment is approximately June 27th (sunday) 4 PM EST, however we encourage you to watch and support the whole thing!

The Midsummer Mashup is a charity fundraising live-stream taking place through 26-27th June all in support of Stop AAPI Hate!
Oh, and donations are open RIGHT NOW![tiltify.com]

Check out their promo video for more details!

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