We are a growing community of 44,940 jumpers from all around the world who share the same passion for rocket jumping in Team Fortress 2.
Join our Steam group today!
We are sad to inform you that the voice actor for our favorite TF2 Soldier, Rick May, has died from COVID-19.
This news was confirmed by the voice actor for TF2's Sniper, John Patrick Lowrie[www.facebook.com].
Let us have a moment of silence in dedication to him, and please stay safe everyone.
The server hosting provider we have been using for our South American servers has unfortunately suspended our VPS for what they deem a ToS violation for hosting games on their service.
As a result, we are currently unable to provide servers for the South American region.
Missed the old fashioned Market Gardening Arena? Loved taking a break to practice easy jump courses while you wait for the next challenge? Or simply wanted a nostalgic rooftop hangout to casually interact with friends when you are not busy grinding jumps?
Jump Academy Classic is here again! And Chris!! has upgraded it to include multiple Market Gardening Arenas! The server listing is as follows: