We are a growing community of 44,940 jumpers from all around the world who share the same passion for rocket jumping in Team Fortress 2.
Join our Steam group today!
Our Hightower servers have switched to an updated Halloween reskin of our custom Hightower map, courtesy of GentlePuppet. Come join us!
Valve has fixed the latest TF2 update push stalling for community servers, and our servers have finally received it and restarted.
Thanks for your patience!
EU servers are currently experiencing network connectivity issues causing players to time out or show servers as offline in the server browser:
Upstream router issue
Our upstream provider in Frankfurt, INAP, started experiencing a problem with one of its routers at approximately 15:30 CEST, causing an apparent loss of connectivity for a few minutes and then continuing packet loss. INAP tells us that they are currently working on rerouting traffic over other devices at this location and expect the situation to normalize very shortly.