Jump Academy

We are a growing community of 44,940 jumpers from all around the world who share the same passion for rocket jumping in Team Fortress 2.

Join our Steam group today!

[Plugins] /goto access for everyone!

By AI @ Nov 10 2019 - 01:37 PM

We have updated our player progress tracker and teleport plugins to allow all players to use player-to-jump and player-to-player teleportation features on our jump servers.

Enter /goto in chat to open a menu where you can select jumps you have already completed (in the current team/class) for the current play session, or players who are currently on one of these jumps. Now you can go around to help each other out more easily!

Want to switch classes but not lose your progress? No worries, we have you covered! The plugin remembers your progress separately for each team and class, and the goto menu will update once you switch back. So feel free to explore!

Staff and donor ranks can also to teleport to anyone and any jumps unrestricted, so do not hesitate to ask for help.

Have fun!

Tip Of The Hats

By Adolf The Toast Jesus™ @ Oct 13 2019 - 06:11 PM

The jump segment of the annual Tip Of The Hats charity stream is beginning! Join in and watch at https://www.twitch.tv/tipofthehats

[AU] Australia server shutdown

By AI @ Jul 31 2019 - 12:49 PM

Due to a consistent lack of a player base in AU, the server community sponsoring our Academy map server in the region has decided to shut down this Saturday, August 3rd around August 20.

This is consistent with GameTracker's player activity data for our server[www.gametracker.com] and we have been unable to see any growth, unlike our expansion into SA[www.gametracker.com].

We have been reached out to by those who would like to support funding this server, but without a sufficiently large player base, it would not be able to justify the rental cost or maintenance efforts by staff, and would only further dilute the remaining player base away from existing and better populated servers in this region. As a result, we will be pulling out from the AU region for the foreseeable future.

Much kudos to the SimplyTF community for hosting for us all this time, and to all AU players and staff who have stuck around during this time, we wish you the best. See you around.

Edit: Postponed shutdown day

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